Please join our membership. A membership form may be filled out by typing in the form and then printing, or print it out and fill it out by hand. This link has the 2024-2025 membership form. Enclose your personal check in the amount of $35. Please mail form to Margie Perenic. 2477 Kewanna Lane, Beavercreek, Ohio 45434,.
Pay online for your membership. Our dues are $35 for the 2024-2025 membership year. A confirmation email will be sent quickly to verify membership and payment.
Our membership year is from September through May, and we begin accepting memberships for the following year beginning with the May general meeting. However, to be included in the annual directory, membership form and dues must be received by the October meeting.
Monthly meetings are held the first Wednesday morning of each month. This year's meetings will be held at Peace Lutheran Church on Dayton-Xenia Road. Each meeting typically includes a time of greeting and socializing, a business meeting, and an educational and informative program including guest speakers from many walks of life. Light refreshments are served. The BWL organization desires to continue to grow, so members are encouraged to bring guests to every meeting.
Meetings typically follow this schedule:
11:30- Noon - Social time
Noon- 12:30 p.m. - Business meeting
12:30-1 p.m. - Program
There will be tables set up in the room for those who bring a lunch. Coffee and tea as well as light snacks are available,
Thanks to all who submit your membership forms over the summer. Early renewal of your membership helps the first fall meetings go smoothly and allows us to have attendance rosters prepared and ready for the September meeting.
To anyone considering joining us, please just drop in on the first Wednesday of any month, and have a cup of coffee or tea! You will be warmly welcomed. Meet a few new people! We promise to say hello! Stay to see what we're all about and enjoy a program that may enrich your life. BWL is open to everyone with an interest in Beavercreek and fellowship. Please come to visit - we'd love to meet you!
Please complete this membership form . View the Events page on this site for a list of our monthly meetings for details and a bit about our guest speakers.
NOTE: You may just click on the link, download to your desktop, populate and then print the form. Either bring it along with you to the next monthly meeting or mail it to our Membership Chairperson, Margie Perenic. Or, you may pay membership online (see PayOnline link above).
Margie Perenic
2477 Kewanna Lane
Beavercreek, OH 45434
A check for the annual membership fee of $35 may be made out to Beavercreek Women's League.
NOTE: While members may join at any time, dues must be paid by the October meeting to ensure inclusion in the BWL directory